My Utah Family and a Birthday

Today is my nephew’s birthday.  Jim is my sister’s son and is one of my favorite people in the world.  Our families are very close since Ray and Jim became fast friends about ten minutes after we got married back in 1980.  Jim turned 49 today.  Hard to believe he is that old since I still…


Here in Salt Lake. Arrived to a house with a furnace that had malfunctioned. Thirty-six degrees in the house. A very kind repairman arrived and fixed it. We are now up to forty-six and Ray and I are in bed with a pile of covers on top. Hopefully the temperarure will keep climbing over the…

Las Vegas, Ojai and SLC

Our family and friends have headed back home and we are now enroute to Salt Lake City. We are following my nephew and his family to deliver furniture we sold them and to pick up a pick up truck for Sarah and Gregorio and a MGB for Ray. These vehicles belonged to my brother-in-law who…

Ojai Thanksgiving

We are having a wonderful time up here on Ojai. Lots of cooking, food, family, friends and fun. My internet connection is sketchy so this will be short. Let it suffice to say this may be our new tradition. So much more relaxed then cooking for three days and then hosting inside an actual house!…

Family and Friends Arriving

Our Texas friends have safely arrived along with our Utah relatives.   Tomorrow our children and several friends will come. Life is good.  The weather is cooperating for our Thanksgiving camp out at the Orange grove. It was around 65 today and 36 tonight. Tomorrow it will be around 60 with another cold night. We…

Ojai Today

We are settling into our time here at the Orange grove in Ojai. Time is slowing down as it does the minute we get here and all pressing “have-to’s” simply drop away. Instead, there is a lot of sitting and chatting and generally doing nothing until it’s time to think about the next meal. That…

First to LA and Now Ojai

Ray and I are now in the Airstream in Ojai after a brief stop at our home in LA to gather up a few provisions and our dogs. Our rush since we just flew in this morning from the Lone Star State?  We have friends from Texas arriving tonight with our second Spartan trailer (1953)…

Fort Worth, DFW and Tex-Mex

Ray and I are currently sprawled out on a makeshift pallet on the floor of the Fort Worth condo. Our plane leaves at 7 am and we are heading in that direction at 4:30 since we have to return a rent car and it is DFW, which means a huge airport and a very long…

The Big Country (1958) and Ray

Today Ray was not feeling well so we spent some time watching movies on television. The Big Country (1958) was one of those movies. It stars Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Carrol Baker, Charlton Heston and Burl Ives. I have to say that Burl Ives commands this movie with his performance. I didn’t know until afterwards…

Sherman, Fort Worth and Daughter Sarah

It is 12:42 am here in Sherman, Texas – 10:42 Pacific Time – and we just arrived at our house here about 45 minutes ago. We worked in Fort Worth all day on the condo, got stuck in Fort Worth traffic on our way to Sherman in early evening, then arrived an hour and a…